Teddy Bears Picnic
With many thanks to Liz and Adrian, and their friends, for organising such a lovely event
Saturday’s Parade:
· Oldest Bear became a Burbridge in 1925 and is cared for by John Burbridge
· Smallest Bear is called Bookworm and is loved by Angela Moor
· Largest Bear: Hamish Carlisle (dolly mixtures provided by Tracy Carlisle).
· Furthest Travelled: Bun Bear and Bear Bear loved by Iona and Freddie travelled together from Barrowby about 20 miles away.
Sunday’s Parade:
· Smallest Ted: Jen Pell
· Tallest Teddy: Bobstar who belongs to Harry, grandson of Ann Barbary
· Furthest Travelled: Dillon Mitchell’s bear travelled with him from Tunbridge Wells
· Oldest bear: proud owner is Heather Wolfenden.